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São Paulo Ocean Week 2024 (Sept 18-22)

Sep 18
Sep 22

Latin America Memorial, Av. Mário de Andrade, 664 - Barra Funda, São Paulo - SP, 01156-001, Brazil

About The Event

Join NAUI at São Paulo Ocean Week 2024!

São Paulo Ocean Week, a major event to celebrate the sea and debate crucial issues for the future of the oceans. Conceived as a major annual festival to celebrate the culture and sustainability of the ocean, Ocean Week aims to publicize and discuss the serious issues that call into question the future of the ocean, inspire the public through art and culture related to the sea and increasingly involve the population in the active defense of a clean, safe, productive and sustainable ocean now and always.

Organized by the UNESCO Chair for Ocean Sustainability, linked to the University of São Paulo (USP), through its Oceanographic (IO-USP) and Advanced Studies (IEA-USP) institutes, it meets the United Nations General Assembly appointed the years 2021-2030 as the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, a proposal for ten years of joint efforts by all nations and stakeholders to restore the health of the ocean and deliver a sea like us to the next generations we know it: clean, healthy, safe, productive and sustainable,

It takes place in São Paulo, and the main objective of the presence of staff from the NAUI Brazil office is to present our concepts of diving safety through education, as an important tool for exploring and visiting the underwater world, and with a main focus on scientific diving.

For more information contact Service Center Brazil at: or +55 11 94792-7744